World Martial Arts Academy-SoCo has Classes in St. Louis, Perfect for Kids, Teens, and Adults Martial Arts Lessons.
Since we’ve opened, we’ve been dedicated to changing the lives of people one person at a time, through martial arts, education and coaching. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for all students and family members. We take pride in creating an environment for individuals to achieve, develop and succeed in their personal goals.
We strongly believe that martial arts can be for everyone, regardless of age, gender or experience levels. Throughout all of our programs, students will not only learn the necessary skill sets to protect themselves, we stand behind our realistic and practical approach, confident it will enable every member to achieve greatness and live their best life..
Get To Know Our World Class Instructors
9th Degree Black Belt, World Martial Arts Academy Founder, Internationally Certified Class A Referee, Instructor, and Examiner
5th Degree Black Belt, Chief Instructor, Program Director, and Owner
4th Degree Black Belt, Instructor, Customer Service Representative, Office Manager
3rd Degree Black Belt, Instructor
3rd Degree Black Belt, Instructor